Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Please help me in the YouTube Symphony Orchestra contest

Hello everyone,

I didn't even expect to get this far, but I've been selected as a potential finalist/alternate finalist for the YouTube Symphony Orchestra. If I make it to the second round, it will mean a sponsored trip to New York to play as a member of the orchestra in Carnegie Hall - a really great opportunity.

Part of this selection will be based on ratings by YouTube users (the number of stars at the bottom of videos). From 14-22 February, each YouTube user will be given the chance to vote once each day, and these votes will help influence who gets chosen.

If you have a YouTube account (or if you wouldn't mind setting up a free account), I could really use your help!

My entries are at: (I think the second video is the one to vote on:

I would like to say thank you, terima kasih and kop khun kap in advance for any support you could provide.



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