What's that, you say?
Well, let's see.
A composite of four definitions of a time-out from Googling Images:

Mua will be leaving tomorrow for KL and then Singapore, and should be back to blogging around the end of the week. You know what they say about how people need a holiday from their holiday, well, this is mine.
I'm thinking of starting a Black and White Russian Yoga Club, inspired by this. Also, though Blogger is essentially from the parent company Google, I found it interesting if they combined the two and called it Boogers.
Wordpress.com is brilliant. Brilliant. Just take a look at Shaun's blog from my links and you'll see why. Freaking professional looking, categories, subtle clarity. It's just so Apple. Plus, in Shaun's case, those freaky Elmo pictures. Ok, I shan't be totally treacherous, like the notorious Treachesaurus, that dirty dino mob boss that was the real reason why they all went extinct. Blogger does have this PlayDough quality to it, and the informality of it sort of fits the kind of writing I've been doing. But I'm thinking of either starting a second blog - a more serious sort of opus - when I go overseas, or hopefully move into podcasting. One featuring the faculty and students of a music program, all original material. Which would work because this blog has too much music in it for a wider readership base. Only catch is I have to get a laptop first.
Food for thought. But fer now... see ya in a week or so.
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